
Thursday, July 29, 2010

2010 - Half time review

That's what the schools are calling the mid term tests these days - half time reviews. Anyway, it seems that my posts are turning into quarterly updates rather than just random postings. I find myself asking that same question again - where have the past few months gone?

Since my last post in April, we have:

  • (finally) gone to Pengerrang. Twice in fact - once by boat from Changi Point, and another by car because I was adamant about not being left to the mercy of the bumboats. Apparently, the boats won't move till they have filled their maximum quota of 12 passengers.

    This town is so laid-back, I'm actually contemplating of retiring there. Maybe open up a foot reflexology place or something. The seafood was great (in particular the steamed lobsters *slurp!*), the bay tay sor was heavenly (hot from the oven!) and the kopi peng at the coffeeshop was POWER!!

  • found more old primary school friends on Facebook, who proceeded to upload embarassing pictures of us way back when. Realised nothing much has changed - I'm still the clown now that I was 20 odd years or so ago.

  • sold our flat and moved back with my parents, which feels odd after so many years. From having our own place, we are now squeezed into one single room - bed, clothes, TV, guitar, laptops and associated peripherals. We had to rent a storeroom at IMM's Extraspace to store the stuff that we didn't need for now.

  • moved our church premises from CSC to International Community School at Jubilee Road. This was the old building which was Yusoff Ishak Secondary School eons ago (for those of you who are old enough to remember). RHC's application to take over the old Queenstown Bowl is still not firmed yet, and has left us wondering if the whole fiasco with City Harvest has affected this. But we trust that God is soveriegn and will bring us where he wants us to go.

  • finally gotten our website for our business up and running after applying for a grant from the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), which should be unveiled soon. On the verge of punching the designers, but I reckon when all this is over a letter to the Forum page and the relevant authorities will have more impact.
At the end of it all, God has been good. He has led us this far and I am positive he will continue to show us the way.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11