Our company has finally shifted our office premises after waiting for so many months. From a far end of Singapore to an even further end… we are now in Tuas! Getting there is a bitch due to the morning peak hour traffic and going home is equally as bitch! I’m staying in Jurong and it takes me 30 mins to drive to office, can you imagine that?? Pity my colleagues who live even further… And that’s not all. Our premises don’t have sufficient parking lots so small fries
like yours truly have to park at the roadside, jump across a drain and crash through some shrubs (like the ninja-in-training I am) to get to the main building. So far I haven’t gotten any parking fines but two of my colleagues kena already. Suay only…
We were so spoilt in the old office ‘cos we had our own toilet. But now, any urgent matters that need attending to is a 50m dash away. And look at the looooong corridor. Reminds me of Stephen King’s The Shining. Next thing I know there’ll be two girls chanting ‘Redrum, redrum’ and it’ll be flooded with blood. Better not work late lest I get the heeby-jeebies…
But the good thing is that I have a nice big desk now, although I have no partitions to display my toys on. And at least we’re not flanked by karang gunis and heavy sand-blasting industries…
So I guess we’ll be stuck here for another 1-2 years before we decide to move again…
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